Running a marathon takes a lot of patience and preparation. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced runner, you still may not know where to start. Here are some tips for training, from when to begin to how to set attainable goals.
When to Start Marathon Training
Whether you’re an amateur or an advanced runner, you will need to start training between three and six months before your race. This will give your body time to get used to the grueling pace of the race. The training regime should include various types of runs, from hill workouts to long-distance running.
It’s important to work up to long runs gradually, being sure to look after your body and work in easy recovery runs and rest days. You should also consider doing another exercise to strengthen your muscles.
Choosing the Right Race
When marathon season starts, you’ll have a choice of where to enroll. Beginners should stick to local runs as it gives them time to learn the different routes. As you begin to become more familiar with races, you can spread your wings and go further afield.

Whether this is your first marathon or your tenth, you need to set some attainable goals for yourself. For example, are you doing this purely for fun, or is it a way to stay fit? Do you have a time goal or are you just happy to finish? These goals will determine what you want to get out of your intensive training and the race itself.
Choosing a Training Plan
Looking for a training plan can be confusing for beginners, especially with all the options available on the internet. Look for one that meets your goals and needs, and stick with it. There are a large variety of plans, from ones that involve running six days a week to ones where you run less often but train in other ways.
No matter your marathon goals, make sure you take the time to properly train and that you always warm up before a run to keep your muscles limber and healthy. Good luck!