What are you doing!? When you hear someone ask you this, most of us automatically begin thinking, did we make a bad choice? There are many times when we’re trying to complete a project that we think our ideas are well worth a try. But sometimes, they just end up being poor life choices. Check out these examples of people who clearly fall under this category!
Chewing Leather
There are a lot of unique diets out there that many people try. From eating as the caveman did to cut out all carbs, it seems that there’s a new diet trend around every corner. But we have yet to hear of this one!

We are not sure what made this person choose to drive around town with a shoe in his mouth, but it definitely is a unique take on a diet.
When’s it My Turn?
When there are adult beverages involved in the evening, there is no telling what kind of bright ideas one may come up with. Take, for instance, these two-party planners that seem to be creating a make-shift jacuzzi!

This might seem like a promising idea, but once that tub gets hot, there will be no getting around burning some very delicate parts of their body.
Safety Instructions?
When you’re a kid, your parents tell you repeatedly not to put those plastic bags on your head. It even says it on most bags, but this person needed some protection, and this was all they had.

We get it, there should definitely be some eye protection. But we are not sure it would be enough to warrant having a challenging time breathing. What do you think?
Employee Sobriety Test
Sometimes when you’re on the job, you don’t have much free time to run around trying to find the right tools to do the job. For instance, if you have to reach something high, maybe there’s not a ladder nearby, and you just have to kind of come up with something.

That must be what happened here. Unfortunately, what the gentleman is using to balance on doesn’t seem quite stable or safe.
Whip it Good
There is nothing like having some hot pancakes with butter and syrup for breakfast. Typically though, making them doesn’t mean you have to have power tools handy, at least for most.

It seems like a great idea. After all, your arm can get tired when whipping the batter. But we have a feeling this made more mess than it did to help the process out. The speed alone will have batter flying all over the place, right?
Horsing Around
What do you want to do when you want to swim, but the light bulb goes out? If you can’t wait for the maintenance guy to come out, you turn into MacGyver and figure it out for yourself. Hopefully, you figure out a more secure way to do it than this guy!

This seems dangerous and could end in some pretty serious injuries. If only he chose to do this when the pool was filled!
Keep it Close
Have you ever grabbed a cart at the supermarket only to get halfway through your grocery shopping and start to have trouble with the wheels? There is a good chance you have, and maybe you can take a cue from this guy on what to do if that happens.

This guy found the answer, though. As the cart fills up, he begins to realize this was a poor life choice and tries to figure a way out of the mess he created.
Honey, You Have Something in Your Beard!
Nature is an amazing thing! There are tons of beautiful things about it, especially when it comes to the very helpful flying pollinator – the bee! The way their society works is impressive, and they are not nearly as aggressive as many think.

Maybe that is what this gentleman was trying to let everyone know, but we think there are safer ways to get that message out to the world. This just seems like a bad idea that could have potentially horrible side effects.
On Our Way to the Thunderdome
Sometimes, when things go wrong, and you don’t have the money to fix it, you have to inventive ways to solve the problem. That must be what happened here with this truck door.

However, we are not sure this is the safest idea. If something goes wrong, they may be left really reconsidering this decision. Plus, we are not sure that is legal either!
I Got It
It is always a pain when you’re in the middle of a project, and you realize there is a hard-to-reach place that is just impossible to get to. But you want to get the job done, so you figure something out.

However, it’s probably best if it doesn’t entail you putting your life in danger when you figure something out. This guy is crazy and has potentially set himself up for regret later.
Don’t Bug Me!
Having an enjoyable day out in beautiful natural surroundings can be a pretty relaxing day. Taking time to decompress and get away from the hustle and bustle of your hectic life should be a calm and rejuvenating day.

That is typically what happens, but apparently, for this young woman, she went someplace where there were a lot of mosquitoes. It just so happens she forgot her bug repellent thinking that she wouldn’t need it; that seems like a poor life choice now.
Flipping Out
Sometimes when you’re in a hurry having a quick meal that is easily made by slapping it in the oven or microwave is nice. But you have to pay attention to what you’re doing because even though it’s quick and easy and it is a fast meal, it could still leave you with quite a cleanup.

This person had a need for fast food but an unwillingness to pay attention to what they’re doing, which definitely left them with a decision they would regret.
Slowly! Slowly!
Why spend your hard-earned money on getting a moving van when you only have one thing you’re trying to move? That seems like a waste of money, and clearly, this person felt the same way.

Though when the one thing that you’re trying to move is a refrigerator, using the top of a two-door compact may not be the best choice. Not only that, but the man is wearing flip-flops which seems like it’s crying out for a major accident to happen.
Give Me a Leg Up
Sometimes even though you were out on a job, you still don’t head out with all the right tools. Or if you do have the right tools, maybe they aren’t tall enough, which is what we assume happened in this situation.

Though this is a great example of teamwork, it still seems like it might be a bad idea and that it could lead to some pretty big regrets later in the day.
Meet My Minions
Have you ever wondered where they got the idea for the Minions in that animated film? We think we may have found the image that could have sparked that creator’s imagination…

Though we’re not sure what exactly they’re cleaning up, at least they seem to be dressed in the appropriate clothing. That is all except for the guy in the shorts. This seems like a bad choice for him when it comes to wardrobe.
Just a Little Get-Together
When you’re a teenager or young adult, you do a lot of crazy things. Almost all of us go through a time where we can be talked into almost anything. We are hoping that’s what happened here and that this wasn’t this girl’s idea.

If it was, it’s clearly an instance of making a poor life choice. We’re not sure what she expected, but she probably didn’t anticipate having a whole family of raccoons eating off of her like she was a table.
What Did You Say?!
We understand completely not wanting to go outside of your apartment when it looks to be very cold. However, when you look out the window and see this wall of icicles, the last thing you should decide to do is stick your head out.

Especially if it looks like you’re trying to talk to your next-door neighbor. This just seems like an accident waiting to happen, don’t you think?
If it Fits
We know that there is an old adage that if it fits, it ships, but that is meant only for shipping packages and not trying to smuggle a whole person. Though we have to say we’re pretty impressed he could fit in such a small space.

In the end, though, making this decision was definitely a poor life choice because it could potentially leave both of them in a cell.
Balancing Act
You want to make sure that everybody can see what is going on at all times in a public area. So when a light goes out, the maintenance team launches into action to fix the problem. But we’re not sure that this is the right decision by this maintenance worker.

We’re not sure what all he’s balancing on, but that is a table with a ladder on top of it, and we are 100% positive that that happens to be a hugely poor life choice.
Proper Distancing
When you first learn to drive, understanding how fast you should be going to maintain a reasonable distance between you and the person in front of you is sometimes challenging. So when people are learning how to do this, sometimes their teacher comes up with unique methods.

Though we’re not sure that’s precisely what is happening here, it seems to be a good bet. Though if something happens, this may be one of those ideas they regret for the rest of their lives.
A Little to the Left!
Sometimes military men, especially the younger ones, get bored when they’re on deployment. That sometimes leads to crazy situations like this one here. Though we’re not sure what exactly spurred this idea, we do know that it’s going to end badly.

When their squad leader comes in and finds the results of this little experiment on the floor, we are sure that this person is going to realize this was a poor life choice and will regret going through with it.
Right Side Up
If you’re a pet owner, then you probably understand that when you love something so dearly, you want to be able to give them a little special treatment or a gift here and there. Maybe you’re tired of having to get up in the morning to open up the door for the cat.

We are sure this is why this person chose to make a cat door, however, they probably should have paid attention to the side they were doing the project on. But hey, it looks really good!
Did You Hear That?
If you’re a baker, you know that once you’ve added yeast to bread dough, it expands as it heats. But just because you know it doesn’t always mean you make the right choices. Just look at this mess.

It’s fine to be a perfectionist, but when you make the choice to throw away a bread batter like this and walk out to find your trash can has now functioned as a place for your dough to rise, you’re probably going to regret that decision.
Look Ma!
Trying to make something the way mom does can be pretty challenging. So when you nail it, all you want to do is show everybody. That to us makes a lot of sense, however, holding something up that could fall out of the pan like this seems to have been a poor choice.

Mom seems like she was excited and angry all at the same time in this picture. We hope they know they’re picking that up!
Hot Garbage
It may seem pretty self-explanatory to a lot of people that putting a hot piece of anything inside of a plastic trash can is a big no-no. But if you haven’t got one of those heavy-duty models and you’ve waited a little bit, you may also think that everything is cool enough that nothing bad will happen.

Unfortunately, that must be what this person thought when they made this an epically unwise decision.
A Little Help
When you’re an adult watching kids play on the jungle gym at the playground, sometimes you get this wild urge to play with them. Maybe it’s you trying to recapture your youth, or perhaps it’s just you trying to prove you’re still able to do it. Either way, you could end up like this guy.

There are plenty of things he could have done on this playground, but he chose this spiral climbing gadget, and he is probably pretty upset with himself at this moment in time.
How Do I Look?
Taking care of a pet means that you will have to take them for walks or let them play in the yard to get some of their daily exercises. But you probably should wait till after you’ve picked up the grass from your last cut.

Otherwise, you’re going to have to add a bath to your daily chores of things you need to do for your pet. Because you’ll wind up with something like this and your head in your hand, realizing you made a poor life choice.
Clean Up Disaster
Technology is amazing and has allowed us to simplify a lot of things in our lives. This includes cleaning up with the robot vacuum cleaners many people have in their homes. But apparently, a dog and a mechanical vacuum don’t mix all the time.

When they got home and saw what their Roomba had done, this person probably was second-guessing the choice of having it set for the entire house, especially when they had a dog at home.
Matching tattoos can be cute for some people. But when you get the tattoo, you probably should understand what the symbology means, especially if you’re matching tattoos with your four-legged best friend.

Now, this guy has to walk around with the neutered symbol tattooed on his arm. Let’s just hope he doesn’t try to date any vets, as they know what that symbol means. Otherwise, there’s gonna be a lot of explaining to do.
Who Me?
Sometimes our choices are poor without us even knowing it. Especially when you pair an energy-filled puppy with high-end electronics lying around the house. This is really asking for something to happen.

This person found that out the hard way when their expensive headphones got chewed up by their little pup. But we’re sure they forgave the dog, especially with that face. We mean, how could you not?
That’s So Cheesy
When you’re traveling, sometimes there are things that you find that you just want to share with the people back home. Unfortunately, some of these things are not able to be taken home in certain quantities, and so if you decide you want a big helping of parmesan cheese, you might have to find an interesting place to hide it.

Of course, maybe making sure that it was well sealed before sticking it into a bag with your electronics that have small holes in them might have been a better choice. But we guess the lesson was learned!
No Officer, We Swear!
Some people have a dark sense of humor and like the darker side of humanity. This can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and having to really consider where you want to show your love for horror.

Placing a sticker on a moving vehicle that looks like blood probably wasn’t the best choice this kid has ever made. Especially since it seems that the police have a few questions for them.
Follow the Yellow Grass Road
When it’s perpetually hot during the summer, sometimes it may sound easier just to leave the fun activities that cool you down out and ready to go. But if you do that on green grass, then something like this will happen.

After working so hard to get their lawn nice, this person is probably regretting their life choice to leave that slip and slide out and about.
Where am I?
After a long day of school, sometimes all you want to do is take a little nap. If you have a long bus ride, this is the perfect time as long as you have friends that are willing to wake you up when it’s your time to get off the bus.

This poor person probably regretted not only the choice of taking a nap but also the choices of friends he made in that life.
Just Reading the Nutritional Facts
Some little ones love to help. Especially when the end result is they get to eat some of that sugary sweet syrup for breakfast. But just because they like to help doesn’t mean that maybe they should.

At least that’s probably what this parent is thinking as they’re trying to mop up this maple syrup from the floor. The little girl is cute, though, as she tries to read the label to avoid making eye contact with her parents.
Slippery When Oiled
One of the worst jobs to have when cleaning up the kitchen of a fast-food restaurant is to clean the grease out of the fryer. It can be messy and smelly, and so often when doing this, the person tries to be as quick as possible about it.

Being fast is one thing, but you have to use the proper tools – otherwise, you’ll wind up spending a lot more time mopping up the floor than actually cleaning the fryer. That’s the lesson this worker learned!
Laser Treatment
We’ve all seen those cartoons where the person uses a mirror to light a stick, and we are sure many of us don’t believe that actually could happen. But maybe we should just ask this young lady who decided to leave her makeup mirror next to the window on a hot day.

Creating a little bit of a fire hazard is what this decision has made. We are sure when she came home to find this that she really regretted not taking that extra step to put her mirror up.
Where Did I Park?
It’s always good when you are responsible enough to opt to leave your car where you partied. Taking a rideshare or getting a ride from a designated driver means that you are not out on the streets driving a large weapon.

However, coming back to get your car and realizing that there’s a farmers market that’s been set up around it might make you regret leaving your car in that exact spot.
Chill Out
Potlucks are always a fun thing to do with friends when you get together. This kind of alleviates a little bit of the stress off the host and allows everybody to feel like they participated in the setup.

Sometimes though, what you choose to make can actually end up being quite messy if not carried properly. We’re not sure which decision this person is filling as a poor life choice – the dish they chose to cook or where they choose to place it in the car – but we’re sure they are regretting it.
I’ll Take That
Taking a little walk along the shoreline and looking at the beauty of the lighthouse and nature itself can be a nice relaxing day. After a nice hike, you probably want to have a little snack or even a meal.

But when you’re looking to choose what you’re going to eat, you might want to think about your surroundings. Otherwise, you’ll wind up making this person’s poor life choice in choosing a seafood sandwich that seems to draw the seagulls in.
Citrus Breeze
Sometimes when you’re in a hurry, you mix things up that just happens when you’re unloading the groceries. Sometimes certain containers look like other containers, and they get misplaced in all the wrong places.

Unfortunately, that might lead you to make this poor life choice of sending your Minute Maid tropical fruit juice to the laundry room. That is going to make for a fragrant but sticky load of laundry.
That Was Heavy
When you’re building the interior of your living room and getting down to designing how you want to look, you always have to keep in mind where you’re going to put your centerpieces. For some, that centerpiece is their television.

But when you’re dealing with such a big television, you may want to make sure that where you’re placing it is sturdy enough to hold it; otherwise, this is going to be the result of your decision.
Paint the Town
A lot of fun things can happen when you’re working at a hardware store. Depending on your department you can have funny accidents or serious accidents. We just happen to think that this poor girl has had a pretty funny one.

Though she may not want to think about it now, she will consider this a poor life choice when it comes to not rechecking the lid to make sure it was sealed tightly. We are confident that sooner or later, she will get a little chuckle out of this memory.
Camping can be a really fun activity to do with friends and family. But when you go to set up your tents, you have to make sure that you really get them secured tightly. This person, however, felt they didn’t have to worry about tying the tent down.

We bet they’re really regretting that life decision while they were running around hoping that the wind would bring it down.
Well Done, Right?
As long as it is designed to cook something, it should work, right? This commonly happens when you’re looking at instructions, and there are none for the specific appliance that you’re trying to use.

Unfortunately, there’s a reason why things may not be in the directions, and this person found out the hard way by making a pretty poor life choice on how they were choosing to cook their sausage rolls.