Okay, she may be a 10 but she’s clearly a psychopath. Who knows what else this woman is doing?! Maybe she puts the toilet paper on the roll “under” rather than “over.” Or she’s not a fan of Tom Hanks?

Perhaps she prefers the live-action Aladdin movie over the original? She might even consider the crust to be her favorite part of a pizza! Stay away from a woman like this — there’s no telling what goes in her head…
Self-Care Is Hot
We’d still go for it — maybe just not while she’s wearing the goggles. As unattractive as this is, we have to admit that the interest in self-care is pretty hot. She doesn’t want to get chlorine in her eyes and it’s kind of a lose-lose situation.

After all, she wouldn’t be a 10 with red and irritated eyes, would she? As far as we’re concerned, this woman is invested in her self-care and long-term appearance. That’s a 10 in our book!
Messages on Snapchat are temporary, so if that’s his main form of communication with you, that means you’re temporary too. That’s not a guy who’s going to look back at your old messages, one year from now, and reminisce about how cute you guys are together.

Don’t get us wrong, there’s no shame in keeping it casual. However, if that’s not what you’re looking for and your date’s only talking to you on Snapchat, then you need to nope yourself out of there.
How Do You Respond to That?
Sometimes, a romantic partner will ask you a hypothetical question as a way of testing your love. While these questions can often be pretty strange, we have to admit that this one takes the cake. Is she romantically interested in creepy crawlies?

Of course, this guy wouldn’t love her if she were a worm — why would he? However, he can’t tell her that because then she’ll get mad. Sorry, dude… she may be a 10 but she put you between a rock and a hard place.
Too Many Choices
It sounds like the OP has way too many choices in front of her. While some women can’t even find one eligible bachelor, this person has found a whole group of them! We don’t really see this as a problem.

Sure, you might get some FOMO wondering if you’ve chosen the right guy from the friend group. However, you get constant eye candy every time you hang out with your man’s friends. We’d say this one is definitely worth going for!
We Get It
We get it, you own a passport. Seriously, a trip to Asia is very cool and it’s understandable that this guy wants to talk about it. However, if his trip was over a year ago and he’s still bringing it up constantly — we’d start to wonder if there’s nothing else interesting about him.

We’re guessing he speaks about his trip in a pretentious way, too. Like he’s the only person to ever travel the world. Yeah, his trip “changed” him alright — it brought him down from a 10 to a 5!
A Not So Happy Birthday
We get it, getting older can be scary sometimes. However, it’s a whole lot better than the alternative! Given that this woman is presumably an adult and has had many birthdays, she should be pretty used to it by now.

Crying about it every single year, despite the fact that aging is just a natural part of life, sounds pretty exhausting to deal with. We have to lower her from a 10 to a 7 for this one.
Facts v Fiction
It’s happened to even the best of us — we read a book or watch a movie and the male lead ruins us for all real-life prospects. Sure, your guy took you to a nice restaurant but would he take a literal bullet for you?

It’s not that we don’t know these expectations are unrealistic, we just don’t care. Why can’t guys in real life be like the ones in romance novels? Although, women in real life aren’t like the ones in adult films. So, we guess it’s kind of fair.
How to Change Your Number
One’s number isn’t set in stone — there’s a lot that can be done to change it. Having great taste in music, especially underrated music, is a surefire way to get more points.

Even Mac Miller himself may not have been a perfect 10 per se, but his overall vibe took him to a whole new level of attractiveness. So, what happens if your guy listens to Mac Miller but he also likes Machine Gun Kelly? Do those points cancel each other out?
He’s Mr. Brightside
The Killers’ song “Mr. Brightside” isn’t actually about a guy getting cheated on. It’s about a guy who’s paranoid that he’ll get cheated on, and his jealousy and possessiveness ruin his relationship. Given that knowledge, if that’s where you’re at, maybe dating a 10 isn’t for you.

While it may seem like a great idea to be with the hottest person in the room, it comes with a lot of competition. Just don’t be that guy who freaks out at your girlfriend for existing in the same atmosphere as another man.
She’s Sharing Her Expertise
Look, everyone needs to be an expert in something. Does anyone need to be a Harry Styles expert? Probably not. Is it a huge problem if someone is? Not really.

We get how this can be annoying but how many times has your significant other listened to you talk about car models or how much you lift at the gym? Sometimes, you just have to smile, nod, and listen to your partner’s frivolous passions.
He’s in for a Surprise
Um, we guess this one is kind of okay if you’re hoping to start a family. Yeah, any guy who’s going to let you risk your health and future plans for his momentary comfort isn’t a guy you’re gonna have a good time with.

Also, does he not know basic biology? This dude probably has kids that he doesn’t even know about! Unless you want to get involved in some reality-show-level mess, just find yourself an 8 who agrees to use protection.
Context Matters
This Pride and Prejudice quote isn’t meant to shame people who are trying to figure themselves out and need to take a moment before finding their path. This is for those who don’t make any attempts or have any desires to move forward.

If you’re a 10 who’s stuck at an in-between moment in your life, this isn’t about you. If you just really hate the idea of doing your own laundry and want your mom to do it till you’re 35 then, yeah, you should take this personally.
”No Soup for You!”
The OP actually has a really valid point here. Now, we’re just wondering how any of the main characters in Seinfeld consistently got dates with 10s. That’s not to say that the actors aren’t great guys but none of them are exactly Hemsworths, are they?

That’s kind of the theme of most movies and TV shows, though. Shlubby guys managing to date these perfect women. Older men have wives young enough to be their daughters. It’s all possible in Hollywood!
Can’t Take Her Anywhere
Sometimes, being a 10 just isn’t enough. We can all think of people who are beautiful but we’d never go anywhere near them. We don’t care how gorgeous your date is, if they don’t know how to treat people in any particular industry, then that’s a hard pass.

We think that people who are rude to service industry workers should be forced to work those jobs for a single month and see if they can really do any better.
So He Can Love Himself
This guy’s ego is going to be so big that there won’t be any space in the relationship for you! Why would anyone need a photo of themselves as the background to any of their devices? Are they worried they’ll forget how they look?!

This is the type of guy who posts shirtless pictures all over social media with wannabe philosophical captions, rather than just admitting that he wanted to show off. As far as we’re concerned, he already loves himself enough for all of us!
Sore Loser
There’s being a sore loser and then there’s having serious anger issues. It sounds like this guy is both. Any man who resorts to a level of violence in which property is getting destroyed better have an excellent reason for it.

Sorry, Brad — losing a game isn’t a good enough excuse to flex your toxic masculinity muscle. We’d say not only does this guy lose his status as a 10, but he goes down all the way to -20!
Peace and Quiet
Reels on social media can be annoying even when you’re watching them properly — but just hearing them, without seeing the video, is even worse. Have you ever heard someone watch the same reel over and over and you can’t see the video?

If you’ve experienced that, then you’ll agree with us that it’ll take someone from a 10 to a 7 almost immediately. Buy this woman some earphones and if she doesn’t use them, rethink the relationship.
Sharing Is Caring
It’s been scientifically proven that sharing food can help couples bond. Being stingy with one’s food, however, can drop a dude from a 10 to a 6. Okay, that last fact may not be scientifically proven but we believe it!

Remember in Friends when Joey said he doesn’t share food? Yeah, that comment managed to knock the gorgeous Joey from his status as a 10! Trust us, the next time you’re on a date, just share your fries.
Part of the Z-Squad
Look, we all have weird obsessions in life. Straight guys may mock women for caring a little too much about One Direction but can any of those guys honestly say that they never got emotional over a sports game?

You don’t need to understand it but you do need to accept it and be supportive. Just get her some tissues, tell her it’ll all be okay, and be grateful that you’re dating a 10.
“We Were on a Break!!!”
Friends has taught us many things throughout its 10-year run. Perhaps the most important lesson of all, though, was to be crystal clear about what you mean when you tell your partner you want to take a break.

Unpopular opinion — Ross was right. We understand why Rachel was upset about the whole thing but she really shouldn’t have held onto it for so long. If your dude genuinely thought you guys were on a break, he can stay a 10.
She’ll Murder You in Your Sleep
We understand the need to have something to fall asleep to. Some people use a white noise machine, others listen to music, plenty turn on the TV, and then there’s this woman…

If horror movies put her to sleep of all things, we really don’t want to know what’s going on inside that person’s mind! If the OP decides to opt out of dating this woman, we can’t say that we blame them.
Points for Personality
Personality points count too and if she’s so inconsiderate, then she’s not a 10! Putting the shopping cart back is a surefire way to know whether or not someone’s a good person.

It’s a very simple thing that anyone can do and it’s the type of deed that you don’t get an audience for, so you can’t do it for clout. Basically, if you want to know the moral status of your date, just take them shopping and see what they do with the cart.
When She’s Super Needy
Okay, so she’s a 10 but requires a lot of attention. That’s not too bad! If you’re someone who really needs your space and doesn’t like being lovey-dovey all the time, then you may need to pass.

However, if you’re not bothered by the idea of giving your date some extra assurance that you’re thinking about here, then why not? After all, there are way worse things in life than a beautiful woman wanting your attention.
Marry Him
If you’re really not attracted to someone, then a romantic relationship simply won’t work. However, if you’re kind of on the fence about the level of chemistry, something like your family loving him can easily lift your man from a 3 to a 7.

Do you really need a perfect 10? Or do you need someone who you can invite to family game night? We know, we know — you probably want both but Ryan Reynolds is already taken.
If this was an isolated behavior, we’d probably suffer through it. However, there tend to be other social media-related habits that accompany this one. Good luck eating — she’s gonna need to get a picture of the food first. By the time she’s done, it’ll be cold.

Want to go somewhere beautiful together? Get ready for endless pictures and just try to enjoy the view between choosing hashtags. There’s no shame in being that type of person but if you’re not like that, dating someone who is can feel like you’re being held hostage!
Warning Signs
While many people would want to be there to help a partner through their personal issues, there are some journeys that one needs to go on alone.

Here’s the rule of thumb — if the flag is a sort of pinkish color, you can stick around and help your significant other through it. If the flag is as red as that wedding in Game of Thrones, it’s best not to get involved.
Does She Also Buy One-Ply?
If this is just a habit that can be changed, that’s fine. However, you have to think about the big picture here. If she’s never going to change the toilet paper… ever, that can become a serious issue. Imagine having a long-term relationship with someone like that.

You’re living together, it’s the middle of the night, and you get up to use the bathroom only to discover that there’s no toilet paper right as you’ve sat down on the toilet. Yeah, we’re not sure dating a 10 is worth this one.
The Worst Disney Princess
What kind of sick misogynist thought The Little Mermaid was a good story for young impressionable girls? Selling your voice so you can get a guy — a guy who likes you despite (or because of) your inability to communicate?

No, thank you. We’d say that this 10 turned into a 0 real quick. Get yourself a strong woman who uses her voice. Bonus points if she doesn’t use a fork as her hairbrush.
Airing Dirty Laundry
Get ready for every single argument with this person to go public on her social media. You’ll have everyone and their mother weighing in and taking sides.

Everything — and we do mean everything — has the potential to be made public when you’re in a relationship with someone like that. She may be a 10 but is that really worth the realization that the whole world will know you passed gas while watching a movie yesterday? We don’t think so.
That’s What Ultimatums Are For
Mental self-care is just as important as physical self-care. People think that obtaining a body that’s a 10 will be enough for them to maintain that status but it’s just not true. If your personality isn’t a 10 as well, then that six-pack isn’t going to help you.

If he needs therapy and won’t get it, then all that hotness just isn’t worth the trouble. Sorry, it’s time to find yourself an emotionally stable 8 instead.
She’s a Swiftie
Okay, we have to agree that this one is super embarrassing. However, if your favorite sports team scored a goal, would you not cheer? We’d say just go ahead and suffer in silence — if she’s really a 10, then she’s worth it.

It’s not like your taste in music is so impeccable! However, if she starts singing along to Taylor Swift in public and refers to the celebrity as “Tay Tay,” then it may be time to reconsider.
If anything, this should elevate her to an 11 because now you don’t have to make her coffee each morning. She’s a bit basic, so what? It’s not like whatever Chad she’s dating has an obsession with khakis, calls his friends “bro,” and is holding a puppy in his shirtless Tinder photo.

Actually, all of those things are true. There’s nothing wrong with that — we’re just saying that basic recognizes basic. Let your 10 have her daily Starbucks and she’ll continue to pretend not to notice that you literally always skip leg day.
Boost Her Back Up!
Unfortunately, these things happen. Luckily, the damage is reversible! If you’re fortunate enough to date this 10, then be the one who lifts her up and helps her realize her true number. Whatever you do, don’t take advantage of the fact that she’s feeling insecure, though.

Yes, we’re looking at you ‘Nice Guys’ who’re always negging. Trust us, you won’t lose her by helping her see she’s a 10 — she’ll just end up seeing you as a 10, as well.
Why Couldn’t He Crack the Code?
Everyone knows that when your girlfriend tells you she’s not hungry, you order something for her anyway. Just like “I don’t care where we go to eat” means she’s going to shoot down every restaurant you suggest until you say the right one.

Most likely, the OP wasn’t hungry enough to order her own food but did want a taste of her date’s fries. If he wants to maintain his 9 status, he’d better give that woman a fry… STAT!
A Matchmade in Heaven?
It sounds like this particular 10 needs to find another 10 who wears Crocs. Then, they can be a match made in fashion-less heaven! We’ll admit that fanny packs have become trendy once again. But in reality, unless you’re an 80-year-old grandparent touring a foreign country, there’s simply no reason to wear one.

We suppose the OP can buy this woman a nice purse as a subtle way to rectify the issue. If she doesn’t get the hint, this could end up being a pretty tough decision to make…
He “Doesn’t Count” as a 10
If it’s a book, has letters, and you must be literate to understand it, then it’s reading. Who made this guy the judge of what does and doesn’t count as reading, anyway?

Seriously, why do men feel so superior to women who like romance novels? Is this dude really going around reading psychology and philosophy books? Yeah, we doubt it. Just go back to your comics, Chad.
What Will Their Kids Be?
It seems pretty clear how this 5 managed to get a 10 — he convinced her that the numbers were the other way around! Just to clarify, we’re all for someone dating significantly above or below their number.

Our issue here is that the person who’s a 10 thinks she’s a 5. Hopefully, her husband can feel comfortable enough with his number to let his wife feel like the 10 that she is.
If he’s someone who gaslights his romantic partners, then he’s not a 10. If he’s driving you nuts with his erratic behavior, then he’s not a 10. If he’s calling you “crazy” when you’re appropriately upset with him, then he’s not a 10.

Basically, there’s no scenario in which this guy is attractive enough that you should be dealing with his emotional issues. There simply aren’t enough abs in the world to make this behavior worth it. Get rid of that one and find yourself a true 10!
Communication Is Key
We completely understand the OP’s frustration with this one! We get that sometimes, you’re not ready to talk about what’s upsetting you yet — but, at least tell your significant other that you need a bit of time.

We can totally see how this would override someone being a 10. Sure, you don’t want to be that couple that’s arguing all the time but that’s a lot better than pretending everything’s okay when it isn’t.
Five + Five
Well, if you’re into threesomes, then this one shouldn’t be too bad! Really, this sounds like a dealbreaker. If she’s a 5 in terms of appearance and a 5 in personality, that may equal 10 but it’s just not good enough.

Or if she’s a 5 and super co-dependent on her best friend, who’s also a 5, then it may equal 10 but you’re really just stuck with two 5s. Sorry, but this would be a no go for us!
Times Are Tough
Back in the day, people could shoot for a 10 and maybe settle for a 7 if times were tough. However, nowadays, inflation is so bad that most of us can only hope for a 5. Of course, you can always invest in a 6 and maybe with time and interest, they’ll turn into an 8.

Or perhaps the market will crash and your 10 will become a 4? Overall, it’s probably best to ignore the numbers, as they’re subject to change. Just go for a 10 in personality!
Don’t Become a News Story
This is how you wind up on the news. The Florida Man challenge is real and there’s a reason that men from that state have earned themselves a reputation for doing crazy things.

If you’re super adventurous and don’t mind potentially running from the cops for some inexplicable offense, go for it. If you want to live a nice peaceful life that doesn’t involve wrestling alligators or shooting down hurricanes, then you should probably stay away from a Florida Man.
She’s Seen Things
We all learned from Will Smith needing to apologize for his son Jaden’s social media presence — angsty teens shouldn’t be allowed to have unrestricted access to the internet. The internet rarely forgives and it never forgets.

Therefore, you really don’t want a moody 13-year-old putting whatever they want out there. While this 10 may have made some questionable posts in the past, and has definitely seen some nasty things, we wouldn’t consider this to be a total dealbreaker.
Whose Wasn’t?
We have to agree that it’s a little weird to be romantically attracted to an animated character. However, if we’re being completely honest with ourselves, hasn’t everybody had this extremely confusing feeling at some point? Kim Possible? Every anime character ever?

Can we all just agree that Jasmine from Aladdin and Meg from Hercules were way too hot for their target audience? Most guys admit to having a crush on Lola Bunny from Space Jam and she’s not even human!
‘They’re a 10, but…’ is the latest trend to take over social media. In this game, you say that a prospective partner is a 10 except they have one fatal flaw. Then, the internet is left to discuss whether or not that flaw should be a dealbreaker. Here are the best entries to ‘They’re a 10, but…’ that range from hilarious to downright disturbing!